Help the Atlanta Kollel Inc. when you shop with Upcoming Events DONATE Breakfast with the Chief Rabbi Breakfast with the Chief Rabbi Topic: Zoom Breakfast with the Chief rabbi Speaker: Chief Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein Day: Sunday January 19 Location: Congregation Ariel Time: 9:30 AM Hashkafa Class Hashkafa Class Topic: Hashkafa Speaker: Rabbi Doniel Pransky Day: Sunday Regularity: Weekly Time: 7-8 PM Location:Franco Room Chavrusahs! Chavrusahs! Location:ASK Lavista Beis Midrash College Poland Trips College Poland Trips Topic: College Poland Trips Speaker: Rabbi Yaakov Fleshel Demographics Men Men Women Women Family Family Young Adult Young Adult JWC Atlanta JWC Atlanta Locations Toco Hills Toco Hills Dunwoody Dunwoody Ariel Dome Brookhaven Brookhaven Around Town Around Town High School College Programs for Israelis